Certified Instructor Questions

FAQs for PFA and PoleMoves Certified Instructors

How do I register for upper level certifications?

I can't seem to find the Level 2 or Level 3 certification course registration. Help! You must successfully complete Level 1 before beginning Level 2 and you must successfully complete Level 2 before beginning Level 3.  Current Instructor Members c...

I can't log in but I am up to date with my PFA membership

In November of 2020, we launched a new website and sent out emails to all of our existing members. The login credentials from the old site will not work on the new site. You must register on the new site by clicking here , then clicking the blue ...

I don't have access to the instructor tools

The instructor tools are available for PFA and PoleMoves certified instructor members .  You automatically have one year of membership upon certification.  After the year has passed, you can renew your membership by clicking here . If you are ne...

How do I get PFA Approved status?

PFA Approved Instructors must be PFA (or PoleMoves) certified and meet the following requirements: Submit verified teaching hours and/or continuing education credits each year to demonstrate their commitment to keeping their skills and knowledge c...

I am PFA/PoleMoves Certified. How do I get instructor access to the PFA website?

If you were certified before November 2020 and do not currently have access to the instructor member portion of the PFA website, you will need to follow these steps to gain instructor member access: Register on the website by clicking here (if yo...